
divine-decreesDivine Decrees
By Pastor Clem Esomowei

Prayer is an invaluable tool in the life of a believer that will help live a victorious Christian life. Divine Decrees by Pastor Clem Esomowei is a book designed to empower the 21st Century believer with prayer declarations for present day issues.

The Successful Christian Business
Man and Woman

By Pastor Clem Esomowei

In this book Pastor Clem Esomowei gives you the divine success principles to run a successful business. This is a practical manual that is easy to read and easy to follow. It is a must buy for any business man or indeed woman.

Making ProgressMaking Progress
By Pastor Clem Esomowei

Making Progress aims to equip the reader with great insight into the principles that will make you excel even in the midst of trials.

Laid out within this book are the divine ethics for total victory over the challenges of life.

designed-for-the-palaceDesigned for the Palace
By Marjorie O. Esomowei

The Palace is the covenant right of every believer because our father is the KIng of kings and His kingdom never comes to an end. Designed for the Palace is an eye opening book by Apostle Marjorie Esomowei with great insights that will help restore you to your original position in Christ.

33 Great Tips for Single Ladies33 Great Tips for Single Ladies
By Apostle Marjorie Esomowei

33 Great tips for singles is great news for all single ladies. It is a book full of wisdom and truly inspirational. Every single lady should have it.

Children are Like Olive PlantsChildren are Like Olive Plants
By Apostle Marjorie Esomowei

Children are like Olive Plants is a wake up call by Apostle Marjorie Esomowei to parents, guardians, teachers and everyone who has some kind of over sight over children to rise up and fortify the future of the upcoming generation and take back what has been lost. Read how you can gain them back from ungodly ideologies. It is what every parent needs to know.

Overcoming In GilgalOvercoming In Gilgal
By Apostle Marjorie Esomowei

In Overcoming in Gilgal Apostle Marjorie Esomowei will encourage you and teach you practical ways to overcome life’s stumbling blocks. There is plenty of practical steps to ensure that every test we face turns into a stepping stone. It is changing the lives of people set back by the diabolical attacks of life.

The A to Z of the Multipurpose Woman
'Discovering the women you were meant to be'

By Apostle Marjorie Esomowei

This book will show you how to comfortably multi-task as a women and at the same time make you discover your dominant gift.